- When analyzing in reading and writing, a rhetorical situation is about finding the purpose, message, the audience it is targeted at, and the context. Each writing piece I did has its own rhetorical situation. Literacy Narrative is about my own beginning of the reading and writing experience, Exploratory Essay is about exploring a topic that I am deeply passionate about and explaining why it is important. Critical Analysis is a research paper, the purpose was to dive in-depth into the same topic as an exploratory essay.
- Reading helps me pay attention to nuances that I missed the first time around, therefore one of the reading tactics I’ve developed is to read something more than once. When I am writing, it is essential to first write down each and every point that I want to bring up, and then to arrange the topics according to each paragraph. It is essential to get insight into a piece of writing from a point of view that is not your own by working on it with other people. The process of editing include reading the piece of work out loud to identify and correct any grammatical or punctuation errors.
- The objective of the writing and the message it conveys are both key components of rhetorical strategy, and it is critical that the two be distinguished from one another.
- Participating in peer reviews is an assistance I never realized I needed since it assists me in writing a clearer image so that not only I, but also audiences can grasp the points I am making.
- Since technology has progressed so much in recent years, however, it may be simpler for certain audiences to get physical copies.
- I’ve learnt to use the CCNY database since it’s easy for collecting evidence for subjects that are difficult to discover on the internet. The most difficult aspect of the paper is locating the evidence that best supports my thesis. Before determining whether or not to use the evidence, it is important to go over a few paragraphs of it first. Using evidence obtained from a source that is not reliable or a website that is not trustworthy is not the greatest course of action, in my opinion. Websites that end in “.gov” are considered to be among the most trustworthy on the internet.
- I have realized that the most effective method for proving an argument is to begin each paragraph with a claim that supports my argument, and then to provide a powerful piece of evidence for critical analysis in order to relate it back to the arguments. This is the greatest approach to prove an argument.
- Since citations are intended to provide credit to the author of the work that is being used as a piece of evidence, it is very crucial to cite evidence properly and to always seek for clarification on citing.